LLMs – Generative AI is not Sci-fi!


Lingua Custodia was delighted to co-host this event with Cosmian, a company specialised in cybersecurity, at Le Village by CA Paris.

What are LLMs?

Gaëtan Caillaut’s presentation for Lingua Custodia focused on Large Language models (LLMs) and aimed to ‘demystify’ the engineering and science behind large language models. He highlighted LLMs are a type of AI program able to recognise and generate text. These models are trained on large sets of data, which allow the models to learn the probability of generating the next word, based on the context of the word or phrase.

What are the limitations of LLMs?

The limitations of LLMs were also discussed. The quality of the text which is generated is very dependent on the underlying data and there is also a risk that these models can misinterpret the context of the words or phrase. A LLM hallucination happens where the model generates text that is irrelevant or inconsistent with the input data.
LLMs are also very expensive to run and complicated to train.

Retrieval Augmented Generation and RLHF for finetuning

He highlighted the benefit of RAG (Retrieval Augmented Generation) which references an external knowledge base to improve the accuracy and reliability of LLMs. RAG helps to enhance LLM capabilities and has the advantage of not requiring particular training.

RLHF (Reinforcement Learning from Human Feedback) is one of most used finetuning approaches. It helps the model by using human feedback to ensure the model is more efficient, logical and helpful.

Lingua Custodia’s Generative AI Multi-Document Analyser

Olivier Debeugny, Lingua Custodia’s CEO then presented the multi-document data extraction technology which uses RAG to optimise the data extraction quality.

Please note that Lingua Custodia now has a new address in Paris, Le Village by CA Paris, at 55 Rue La Boétie, 75008. We are delighted with our new offices and thrilled to be part of this dynamic eco system which prioritises supporting startups and PMEs.

Lingua Custodia’s Generative AI Multi-Document Analyser


Multi-Document and Multi-Lingual Data Extraction 

Lingua Custodia’s Multi-Document Analyser is now in production and can be accessed via the secure platform or through API.
This means that a group of documents can be uploaded at the same time, with key information extracted within seconds. As this technology is also integrated with our machine translation engines, it is possible to load your documents in different languages and extract your data using a different language prompt.

As an example, French, Chinese and Spanish documents can be uploaded and you can ask your queries in English or any other language which is supported by the platform.

You can upload up to 15 pdf documents together. The technology has been optimised to read and extract information in tables and to respond swiftly to queries.

What are the uses cases for the Multi-Document Analyser?

The use cases for the multi-document analyser include financial product and regulation queries, client support queries, requests for proposals and due diligence questionnaires. So, it is possible to upload a group of Key Investment Documents and extract the risk performance indicators and other details.

Lingua Custodia focuses on innovation

Lingua Custodia is very proud of this highly innovative technology which is part of a suite of financial processing services it provides. It was set up by 2 financial professionals in 2011, originally to provide specialised machine translation services, having identified a clear use case for this service.  Since 2020, new technologies, such as speech to text and data extraction, have been added progressively.

 Its aim is to be the market leader in financial document processing for financial institutions, and Lingua Custodia is distinguished by its focus on data security as it recognises that this is a priority for its clients.  Data is stored on bare metal servers in Europe.


Why AI will not be replacing humans anytime soon!

Lingua Custodia

Why AI will not be replacing humans anytime soon!

The last 18 months has seen dramatic developments in the arena of Artificial Intelligence (AI). The emergence of Large Language models such as ChatGPT, which can analyse, respond and generate text was a major event.  This then led to the rapid emergence of other models, focused on sentiment analysis, image and voice recognition.  

This has understandably led to concerns about the impact of these innovations on the human workforce. Will AI innovations make humans redundant?!

At Lingua Custodia, we feel strongly that the response is no. These technologies will boost productivity and create new job opportunities.  AI is to be embraced rather than feared!

AI and humans learn differently

Large language models use queries or prompts, based on mathematical formulas to process and identify patterns in a huge volume of data.  These prompts are then converted to text outputs.  

These models learn by correlation, so for example, they can link 2 variables – such as studying and grades, but a human brain learns by causation – that the change in one variable can impact the other one – so if you study, you might get better grades, whereas if you do not study, your grades might suffer. 

So, AI and human brains do not learn in the same way – they are different.  The AI may well be able to process huge volumes of data faster than a human brain, but the human brain can identify causation as well as adding layers of creative thought, consciousness, and ethics. 

AI should be used to boost productivity

Future job roles will use AI to as a tool to boost productivity.  So, an engineer might use AI to check their code for potential errors.  In terms of the financial industry, which is championing AI, it can be used to identify risk, rapidly analyse investment opportunities and optimise client services through the use of chatbots.

The Lingua Custodia platform which is specialised for the financial services sector, contains several AI technologies which are all focused on adding value for our clients. Our secure platform allows the rapid communication, extraction and analysis of data in different languages. For example, machine translation technology translates documents and text within seconds, while our Document Analyser, rapidly extracts key data from large pdf documents.

Lingua Custodia features on the Wavestone radar for French Generative AI Startups 2023

Generative AI

Lingua Custodia was delighted to feature on the Wavestone Radar for French Generative AI start ups in 2023.

What is the Wavestone Radar?

Wavestone is an international global consulting company, which has a start up accelerator focusing on emerging trends in the startup ecosystem. It shares the results of these market insights through the publication of Wavestone Startup Radars.

What is Generative AI?

Generative AI is a type of model trained to spot pattens in data, which enables it to then generate new content based on the previous patterns.  So, for example in the finance industry, Generative AI models can be used to analyse trading and investment data, identifying patterns to generate trading opportunities.

Lingua Custodia

Lingua Custodia is included on the Generative AI radar within the ‘Gestion de la Connaissance’ category, because of its focus on financial document processing and its range of technologies for data extraction and analysis.

It is a huge achievement to feature on this radar.  Lingua Custodia was initially created in 2011 by finance professionals to offer specialised machine translation.

Leveraging its state-of-the-art NLP expertise, the company now offers a growing range of financial document processing solutions in addition to its initial Machine translation technology.

Lingua Custodia’s document analyser, uses Generative AI applied to a large language model (LLM) model to search for specific information in confidential documents, extracting and then summarising the information.

The key advantages of our document analyser is the rapid extraction of the relevant data in response to a series of queries. The document analyser is multi-lingual, available in 10 languages. This allows you to query a document in a different language to the one it is written it. The use cases for the document analyser include requests for proposals, regulatory, compliance, research and security documents.

The source references are also included which helps with verifying and checking the accuracy of the responses.  The ability to query several documents at the same time will be developed and live on the platform by the end of Q1 2023.